Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Top Telemedicine Platforms You Might Not See

Zufriedener Arzt macht eine Pause und lchelt

This month iTelemedicine looks at telemedicine platforms in two articles. In this article we examine two “behind-the-scenes” platforms making great strides in the market, yet remaining “invisible”. One provides easy adoption of telemedicine technology into existing operating models in a “white label” solution and one captures data from a multitude of apps and devices and delivers that data to providers and partners in a single, coherent and secure connection. All without being seen or heard.


Reimagining Patient Care

The Virtual Care Management (VCM) platform from SnapMD enables healthcare providers to launch their own telehealth programs and extend their points of access to care. Recently named one of the Top 10 Companies to Watch in 2016 by MarketResearch.com and Top 25 Healthcare Technology Disruptor by Becker’s Hospital Review, SnapMD licenses its “white label” platform nationwide. SnapMD’s George Tierney shared with iTelemedicine, “Our view is that telemedicine technology is a tool just like any other tool that a healthcare provider has available to them and should be leveraged with existing providers and their existing patients.”



Full Spectrum Telehealth

The VCM platform allows providers to connect their patients to multidisciplinary teams of clinicians via a secure, video-based, integrated “virtual clinic”. Unlike many platform developers in the telemedicine market, SnapMD is not a service provider. This sole focus on being a cloud-based, SaaS solution yields a robust platform that can handle the full spectrum of healthcare services and generates significant upgrades about every 3 weeks.

Bulletproof HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA compliance with no heavy lifting is a strong suit of the VCM platform. Mr. Tierney explains, “Cloud, in itself, is inherently more HIPAA compliant. When personnel don’t have physical access to servers; when you have an off-site organization whose entire purpose is to house and protect data, it greatly reduces the potential for violations”. (White Paper: Why Cloud Computing Changes the Game for HIPAA Security)

Patient Self-Scheduling

This month, SnapMD adds a significant feature to their already robust VCM platform with patient self-scheduling. Much like the popular apps for self-booking of reservations at restaurants, the patient will be able to log in and see a list of available physicians, view their calendar and self-schedule against that calendar. From the patient’s perspective it’s a small footprint. From the providers perspective it solves a host of challenges. Providers will be able to manage individual physician calendars, group calendars, and create specialty categories and other vital scheduling functions.

Scalable Pricing

The VCM pricing model is as scalable as their platform. Mr. Tierney explains, “We’ve designed our pricing structure so that the barriers to entry are practically nil. We present the same pricing structure to a large ACO as we do to a small practice. It scales by the number of clinicians on the platform.“


ValidicAccelerating Strategic Healthcare Initiatives

Another entirely behind-the-scenes telemedicine platform, Validic, gathers and compiles data from a multitude of devices and apps and delivers them into a single common platform for action. Named one of Forbes Top 10 Healthcare Disruptors of 2015-2016, Validic solves the accessibility and integration challenge for healthcare organizations by providing a one-to-many connection to digital health technologies. With access to this information, clients can accelerate their strategic healthcare initiatives — from patient engagement and population management to care coordination, wellness programs and more.

244 Apps and Devices and Growing

Validic is a cloud-based technology platform that connects patient-recorded data from digital health applications, devices and wearables to key healthcare companies like hospital systems, providers, pharmaceutical companies, payers, health information technology platforms, health clubs and wellness companies. Validic’s integrations range from the most popular fitness wearables and smart bands to the most innovative clinical devices and healthcare applications.

One Coherent Platform

iTelemedicine spoke with Drew Schiller, Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer at Validic who explained, “We are the conduit for anyone who is looking to bring in data that is generated by patients outside of the 4 walls. We are the data layer making sure that data is liquid and fluent.” Validic enables the provider to access data from their patients and likewise enables the patients, the end users, to share data with their providers.” Validic answers the question “How do you get patient permission and bulletproof data from dozens or hundreds of devices and applications into one coherent platform for action?”

Mr. Schiller explains, “The value for companies in getting patient generated health data is not in how they access it. The value is in what they do with that data; how they interpret it, how they leverage that data and get insights from that data for how to proceed. The problem is you can’t do any of that until you actually have the data.” The company’s primary strategy is to enable their partners to move data better and work with customers on healthcare side to access that data easier.

An Enablement Tool

Validic’s solution provides installable libraries that their customers and partners can add to their applications…a couple of lines of code. They can then get access to blue-tooth data, cloud-based data, or to other closed ecosystems. So with a couple of lines of code they can get access to all the functionality that Validic provides. They are the enablement tool, not the customer engagement piece. Uniquely, they are entirely behind the scenes. The patient never actual knows that the platform is in the middle and in fact when the platform is deployed in a healthcare system, the individual provider or clinician may not know the platform is there either.

Some of the most effective and useful telemedicine platforms are never seen or heard. They quietly enable connections between providers and patients or between devices and apps and the people who need that vital data.

The post Top Telemedicine Platforms You Might Not See appeared first on iTelemedicine.

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